Mindful Moments

I’m Glad You’re Here.
I’m Janesha. I’m here to help you clear the mental clutter, prioritize your wellness, and create mindful habits so you can go after all of your goals in a sustainable way. The first thing you should know about me is that I live for life’s simple pleasures. A slow morning, or my matcha latte made just right will have me feeling like I won the lottery.
It took me years to build faith in my abilities to listen to my inner voice, take leaps of faith, and accept myself in every form. Every moment that I spent improving myself has paid me back tenfold. That’s why everything I share on Mindful Moments is created to help you nurture your strengths and prioritize moments that bring the most joy to you. It’s my firm belief that if you want something with all your heart, then actions, plans, and habits are all you need to get there. Let’s learn, grow, laugh, and evolve together.
See you around!